090NYORK15250 SI Grant Offer Letter

Logo, company name  Description automatically generatedNational Development Team for Inclusion

                                                                                                                                                 Registered Society Number: 27566R



03 November 2022



Howard Emmett

Assistant Director Strategic Resources

North Yorkshire County Council

County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AL




Dear Howard Emmett,


Supported Internships Grant Award to North Yorkshire County Council (Unique Grant Reference: 090_NYORK_15250)


Thank you for providing your Local Authority contact and banking information to the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) via our online form.  I am now pleased to inform you that the Department for Education would like to offer North Yorkshire County Council a Section 14 Grant to support the development of a SEND employment forum in your Local Authority as part of the Internships Work programme.


The Department for Education is offering your Local Authority the following grant funding as identified below and in Annex E (ii):


Grant Period

Grant Amount

Year One: Up to March 2023


Year Two: April 2023 – March 2024

£45461.02 (indicative)

Year Three: April 2024 – March 2025

£45066.25 (indicative)


£112919.77 (indicative)


The grant should only be spent in accordance with the Local Authority’s approved application and the Conditions of Grant to be signed as part of this agreement.  The funding amounts for Year Two and beyond are indicative and dependent on the successful delivery of agreed outcomes.


This correspondence constitutes a Grant Offer Letter. This letter will form an integral part of the Grant Agreement. The offer is subject to the provisions, limitations and conditions set out below and the Department for Education grant funding Terms and Conditions.  You should read all annexes and general terms and conditions carefully before accepting the offer of funding. Failure to observe these terms and conditions may result in the funding being withdrawn. 


Purpose of Grant


This grant is to support all Local Authorities to access, establish and/or develop SEND employment forums to improve the provision of Supported Internships across the country.  Details regarding the aims and objectives of the grant are more fully described in Annex F (ii).


Grant Correspondence


NDTi’s key contact for this grant is:


Julie Pointer

Programme Lead – Children & Young People

National Development Team for Inclusion



Please ensure all correspondence regarding the grant is made using this email address and not by post or another email.


Support Offer


As part of the Internships Work programme, NDTi will provide a support offer to Local Authorities to enable them to move forward with a local employment forum; for those Local Authorities where this already exists, support will enable them to further develop their forum.  Each Local Authority will have an allocated member of NDTi’s delivery team to support them through the duration of the programme.


The programme aims to ensure that young people with additional needs aged between 16 and 25 have access to Supported Internships that lead to paid employment.  For more information about Supported Internships, please look at the Supported Internship Guidance.


In addition to supporting Local Authorities, the Internships Work programme will support employers to offer high quality work placements (DFN Project SEARCH) and establish a sustainable process to improve the quality of Supported Internships provision (British Association for Supported Employment, BASE). For more information about Internships Work, please visit our webpage here.  


Grant Monitoring


As lead partner for this programme, NDTi will be acting as Grant Manager and will administer and monitor the Section 14 Grants.  The spend and outcomes of the grant funding will be monitored through regular meetings between the Local Authority activity lead and the NDTi lead. Any underspend at the end of each Financial Year will need to be returned to the Department for Education via NDTi.


Complying with New Government Policies


The grant funding is provided on the strict understanding that none of this funding is to be used for advertising, marketing, communications and consultancy, or for any costs associated with the maintenance, technical development or updating of existing websites or for the development or creation of new websites.


Acceptance of Offer


Acceptance of this grant offer requires each Local Authority to work with NDTi and partners to:


§  Establish a baseline of their Supported Internship offer

§  Access, establish and/or develop a SEND employment forum

§  Work collaboratively to create an action plan and associated risk register

§  Deliver, develop, monitor and report on work during the programme


You must accept this grant offer and the conditions made in it no later than close of play on

Thursday 17 November 2022


If you wish to accept the grant offer, please return this document (in WORD format) to NDTi at SIgrants@ndti.org.uk with the following annexes fully completed and signed by an authorised signatory:


1.       Annex A (ii): Acceptance of Grant Offer & Effective Date – signed and completed

2.       Annex B (ii): Bank Account details – confirm the details provided are accurate

3.       Annex D (ii): Grant Claim Form – complete a breakdown of planned expenditure for the period claimed (Year One) including outcomes, activity, timeframe and amounts


Please retain a copy of this Grant Offer Letter for your records.


Grant Payment


A proposed grant payment schedule can be found in Annex H (ii).  Provided NDTi receives the completed and signed documentation by close of play on Thursday 17 November, the agreement will be reviewed and the grant payment will be made by Thursday 15 December, subject to your proposed outcomes and expenditure meeting the grant requirements, terms and conditions.


Please note that any delays in returning the documents could result in a delay of grant payment.  If you cannot return the acceptance by the specified date, please contact NDTi before that date to explain the reasons. Otherwise, we will assume that the offer has been refused, and it will be withdrawn without further correspondence.


We look forward to working with you to support more young people with additional needs to have greater choice and control over their future.


Yours sincerely,


Paul Marshall

Chief Executive

National Development Team for Inclusion


Grant Funding Agreement


This Grant Funding Agreement is made between:


(1)    National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)


(2)    North Yorkshire County Council



This Agreement comprises the Grant Offer Letter, any annexes to this letter and general Grant Terms and Conditions.  This letter must be read in conjunction with general conditions of grant and these relevant annexes:



Annex A (ii): Acceptance of Grant Offer & Effective Date. 5

Annex B (ii): Bank Account Details. 6

Annex D (ii): Grant Claim Form.. 7

Annex E (ii): Details of Grant Funding Allocation. 9

Annex F (ii): Funded Activities. 10

Background. 10

Aim.. 10

Objectives. 10

Commitment & Undertakings. 11

Annex G (ii): Statement of Grant Usage. 12

a) Certificate of Grant Usage. 12

b)  Statement of Expenditure. 13

c) Quarterly Report Confirming Delivery. 13

Annex H (ii): Proposed Grant Payment Schedule. 14

Annex J (ii): Progress & Final Reporting Form.. 15

Annex K (ii): Data Protection & GDPR Privacy Statement. 17

Annex L (ii): Spot Checking Process. 18

Annex Q (ii): Department for Education Grant Funding Agreement Terms & Conditions. 19

Annex R (ii): Draft Action Plan Template. 20



Please note, lettering of the annexes relates to NDTi’s contract with the Department for Education; only annexes applicable to Local Authorities have been included here.




Annex A (ii): Acceptance of Grant Offer & Effective Date


This Grant Funding Agreement is effective from the date of signing.


User Note:

1.    Complete, sign and date Annex A (ii) below and return this Grant Offer Letter (with Annex B (ii) and D (ii) also completed) to SIgrants@ndti.org.uk by the deadline.

2.    If you listed an Activity Lead in your online form, their details have been added as the Principal Contact.  Please add details if blank or edit this information if you would like to change the Principal Contact.  Confirm below if you have made any changes or not.


“As a representative of North Yorkshire County Council, I have read the Grant Offer Letter and associated annexes, and the Department for Education Grant Funding Agreement Terms and Conditions as referenced. I agree to comply with the notified conditions of the grant on which the offer is made.”


Signed by the authorised signatory on behalf of North Yorkshire County Council


Click or tap to enter a date.




Position in organisation





Signed by the authorised signatory on behalf of NDTi


To be completed by NDTi following return


To be completed by NDTi following return




Paul Marshall

Position in organisation

Chief Executive




Principal Contact

North Yorkshire County Council (Activity Lead)

NDTi (Programme Lead)

Contact name

Chris Reynolds

Julie Pointer


Head of SEND Strategic Planning

Programme Lead - Children & Young People Lead

Telephone number


01225 255 268

Email address




Have you added/edited the Local Authority Principal Contact details above?



Annex B (ii): Bank Account Details


User Note:

1.    Check and confirm accuracy of the bank details and provide a remittance email in Annex B (ii) below, return this Grant Offer Letter (with Annex A (ii) and D (ii) also completed) to SIgrants@ndti.org.uk by the deadline.

2.     The bank details shown below were provided by your Local Authority on the online form.  If you need to change any of the details, please first email SIgrants@ndti.org.uk and a new Grant Offer Letter can be issued with accurate details.


Your Local Authority has provided NDTi with the following bank details for the payment of this grant:


Name of Bank:                   Barclays Bank PLC


Bank Address:                   193 High Street, Northallerton, DL7 8LJ


Bank Account Name:      North Yorkshire County Council Fund New


Sort Code:                           20-61-53


Account Number:            70-20-86-71



Are the above bank account details correct?



Email address for remittance advice




Annex D (ii): Grant Claim Form


User Note:

1.    Complete, sign and date Annex D (ii) below and return this Grant Offer Letter (with Annex A (ii) and B (ii) also completed) to SIgrants@ndti.org.uk by the deadline.

2.    This Grant Claim Form should be completed by an authorised senior officer at your Local Authority to include a breakdown of planned expenditure for the period claimed (i.e., Year One up to March 2023).

3.    Please ensure the subtotal amounts equal the total to claim; any inaccuracies in this Grant Claim Form may result in delay of grant payment.

4.    Your NDTi lead will send an action plan template to your Local Authority activity lead (see Annex R (ii), for reference). This template provides useful guidance on outcomes and can used to inform your submission for Annex D (ii).  A three-year action plan is not required at this stage, as this will need to be developed and informed by work with your SEND employment forum. 


Local Authority name

North Yorkshire County Council

Grant Period

Claim for Year One up to 31/03/2023

Amount of grant claimed for the current period



Outcomes to be achieved

Examples:  - SEND employment forum established

                    - Three-year action plan developed

                    - Local Offer has clear, accessible information        about SIs

                    - All EHCPs from at least year nine include          employment outcomes

Breakdown of expenditure (activity)

Examples:  - Staffing

                    - X days training

                    - X days engaging employers

                    - X days developing forum plans

                    - X days hosting forums


Examples:  - December 2022

                    - January 2023

                    - January – March 2023

Amount (£)

































(Note: You do not need to fill all rows)




(Note: You can add more rows if needed)







“I certify that:


§  the grant received will be used wholly for the purposes for which it was given

§  the information I have provided in this form is complete and correct

§  the amount of grant claimed on this form represents expenditure to be incurred for the purposes for which grant is given.”


Signed by the authorised signatory on behalf of North Yorkshire County Council


Click or tap to enter a date.




Position in organisation



Annex E (ii): Details of Grant Funding Allocation


Overview of Estimated Grant Funding


Grant Period

Grant Amount

Year One: Up to March 2023


Year Two: April 2023 – March 2024

£45461.02 (indicative)

Year Three: April 2024 – March 2025

£45066.25 (indicative)


£112919.77 (indicative)


Estimated allocations for Financial Years 2023-24 (Year 2) and 2024-25 (Year 3) are indicative and will be confirmed in future Grant Offer Letters.


Funding allocations have been calculated by the Department for Education using 16-18 population data per Local Authority, with a minimum funding floor of £50,000 over the three-year period.

Annex F (ii): Funded Activities




The Department for Education is investing up to £18m to build capacity in the Supported Internships programme, aiming to double the number of Supported Internships and provide more young people with an Education Health and Care Plan the skills to secure and sustain paid employment.


Plans supporting the investment build on research from Cooper Gibson (2019), which highlighted that existing and new Supported Internship forums could be better promoted to increase awareness among providers of the support available to them.


NDTi will administer and monitor grants to Local Authorities to ensure all Local Authorities either have access to, establish and/or develop SEND employment forums. NDTi will provide support to Local Authorities to improve their Supported Internship provision, amongst other activities.




Each Local Authority will work with NDTi to:


·         ensure they have access to/establish/or develop a SEND employment forum

·          build capacity within local small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) to host placements for supported interns, and

·         to improve Supported Internship provision in their local area.


Each Local Authority is responsible for reporting to NDTi on use of grant spend and outcomes achieved.




Local Authorities shall use all reasonable endeavours to achieve the following through this grant funding:


§  Establish a SEND employment forum where it does not currently exist, develop an existing forum, or ensure access to a forum (for example, on a regional basis)

SEND employment forums could include local education providers, employers, and other relevant partners, including SMEs and parent carer representatives, and should increase focus on pathways to employment for young people with SEND, and specifically, to identify, commission and develop new Supported Internship opportunities

§  Ensure value of investment in forums and Supported Internships is demonstrated to Local Authority leaders

§  Ensure their SEND employment forum can identify and grow the Supported Internship programme in their area, in support of the national aim to double the number of Supported Internships from c.2,250 to c.4,500 per annum by 2025, while ensuring that the Supported Internship provision established is of high quality

§  Contribute to the sharing of best practice in approaches to SEND employment forums, including regional join up where appropriate, and ensuring that Supported Internships and other pathways to employment are effectively captured in the Local Authority local offer

§  Access relevant resources and use these to promote Supported Internships and to develop their SEND employment forum

§  Consider engaging with business forums run by the local authority, Local Enterprise Partnerships, and Partnership Boards, where relevant

Commitment & Undertakings


Local Authorities shall use all reasonable endeavours to achieve the following:


§  Ensure their Local Authority either has an employment forum or has access to one

§  Ensure people who engage with the employment forum are satisfied with how it is working

§  Ensure their Local Authority includes Supported Internships as part of their local offer

§  Ensure their Local Authority discusses Supported Internships as part of young people’s Education, Health and Care plan reviews from year nine onwards

§  Complete paperwork and return to NDTi by the deadline given in the Grant Offer Letter

§  Make grant claims (example provided at Annex D (ii))

§  Carry out appropriate assurance and monitoring of the grant

§  Acknowledge receipt of grant payment

§  Implement and maintain robust and efficient arrangements for grant conditions, tracking, forecasting, management accounts, auditing and spot checks

§  Respond promptly to NDTi with further information and materials, when required (e.g., spot checks, in-depth checks)

§  Provide quarterly reports to NDTi regarding grant spend and the activities prioritised by their Local Authority, ensuring that data and information submitted is accurate and reliable

§  Retain all relevant documents relating to their grant claim, assurance and monitoring process for a period of seven years and make these available to the Department for Education upon request, including: claim forms and related evidence; monitoring forms; details of all due diligence, fraud and risk checks carried out on applications; grant offer letters; signed declarations; details of any in-depth financial checks or fraud investigations carried out. This list is not exhaustive.

§  Promptly return grant funding to NDTi if issues or misuse of grant funding are identified

§  Ensure that Annex G (ii): Statement of Grant Usage is completed and returned within 28 days of the end of the financial year

§  Throughout grant monitoring processes, inform NDTi as soon as possible before the end of the Grant Period where there is an underspend of their grant within the financial year, so that funds can be recovered by NDTi

§  Return any underspend to NDTi prior to the last month of each financial year within the overall funding envelope for that financial year, and within 14 days of any request to do so


Annex G (ii): Statement of Grant Usage


User Note:

1.    The Grant Recipient will need to reproduce this Annex on headed paper of the Local Authority and return to NDTi at SIgrants@ndti.org.uk no later than 28 days from the end of the Grant Period.  Closer to the reporting deadlines, NDTi will email these templates to Local Authorities with a reminder of the requirements.

2.    Additional notes for completion:

§  This annex is for each Local Authority to complete and return to NDTi

§  The Grant Recipient shall prepare a Certification of Grant Usage for the Grant Period (2022-23)

§  This comprises three parts:

a)    Certificate of Grant Usage

b)    Statement of Expenditure

c)    Quarterly Report Confirming Delivery (only required once in Year One, at the end of February 2023)



a) Certificate of Grant Usage


Name of organisation


Approved project title

Supported Internships Grant


“The total Year One grant amount of £YEAR ONE FUNDING AMOUNT was exclusively used for the purposes set out in the agreement between the Grant Recipient and NDTi, dated INSERT DATE OF LETTER.


A report on the activities funded by the grant funding has been submitted to NDTi, confirming that the grant outputs have been delivered to a satisfactory standard and the expected benefits have accrued or will accrue. The report has been provided within 28 days after the completion of the funding of the Supported Internships Grant.


A final financial statement detailing the use of the grant funding is provided in section b) Statement of Expenditure. This is a summary statement of all receipts and expenditures connected with the above Project. The organisation’s financial systems that recorded the income and expenditure of this Grant have provided sufficient internal control for the purposes of this certification.”










Position in organisation


Organisation address


Initialled by Chief Financial Officer / Auditor


b)  Statement of Expenditure


Name of Local Authority


Name of approved project

Supported Internships Grant


Expenditure type


Amount (£)




























Paid for as follows

Amount (£)

Section 14 Grant


Other funding e.g., LOCAL AUTHORITY contribution




Underspend on Grant (if applicable)




c) Quarterly Report Confirming Delivery


Set out how the funding has been applied, detailing all relevant outputs.























Annex H (ii): Proposed Grant Payment Schedule


NDTi will pay this Grant in accordance with the following payment schedule, subject to the Local Authority meeting the requirements of this Grant Funding Agreement.


Grant period

Proposed payment date

Year One: Up to March 2023

Before 15 December 2022

Year Two: April 2023 – March 2024

April 2023 (indicative)

Year Three: April 2024 – March 2025

April 2024 (indicative)


For Year One, if NDTi receives the completed and signed documentation by Thursday 17 November, the agreement will be reviewed and the grant payment will be made by Thursday 15 December, subject to your proposed outcomes and expenditure meeting the grant requirements.  Documentation received after this date will be processed and paid as soon as possible, but a delay in payment may occur. 


NDTi proposes to send Grant Offer Letters to Local Authorities for Years Two and beyond early in the calendar years 2023 and 2024 to ensure payment in time for the start of the Financial Year.



Annex J (ii): Progress & Final Reporting Form


User Note: This section is to be used as part of grant spend monitoring.


Section 1: Grantee Information


Unique grant reference


Total grant funding


Project title


Grantee organisation


Person submitting this report


Contact number


Are you the primary contact?



If no, what is your role in the project?

Report type



Actual period covered in this report

From       to      


Section 2: Summary


Provide a summary of progress to date, approximately 200–500 words (cover the life of the project if this is your final report)










Section 3: Activities & Outputs


Provide a summary report of progress and achievement to date, against the specific key performance indicators and objectives agreed to in the grant funding agreement.

Key activity completed in this period:










Progress on objectives/delivery plans:


Please provide details of any slippage in delivery plans and reasons for this, if applicable:


Is there anything else you would like to raise in this report? Are there any particular successes you would like to share?





Issues/challenges: What (if any) problems have you encountered and how have you dealt with, or how do you intend to deal with them?


Please provide any other information which you think might be helpful:



Section 4: Declaration


“I declare that the information provided in this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any omission or false statement may result in the grant being terminated and previous payments recovered, or future grant applications refused.”










Position in organisation





Annex K (ii): Data Protection & GDPR Privacy Statement


For the Internships Work privacy statement regarding Local Authority grants, please see here:



The privacy statement contains information about:

§  The project, key details and contacts

§  What information is being collection

§  Why NDTi is collecting your data

§  How we will use your data

§  The lawful basis for processing your data

§  Sharing your data

§  Ensuring your data is safe

§  Your rights and how to enforce them

§  How to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office

Annex L (ii): Spot Checking Process


This annex details the process the Department for Education will follow to complete assurance spot checks on Section 14 grant funding.  By accepting the Grant Offer letter, your Local Authority agrees to provide accurate and timely updates on the use of the grant and the outcomes of the grant activity that enables NDTi to meet contractual spot checking requirements.


NDTi will provide materials to allow the Department for Education to carry out in-depth checks on at least 10% of the value of the grants – of which the Department for Education will randomly select the Local Authorities that evidence is required for - during each financial year from the start of the Grant Agreement until 31 March 2025. Where there are errors in the random 10%, the Department for Education reserves the right to extend the sample size until a representative sample is collected.


The process is as follows:


§  The Department for Education will randomly generate a list of Local Authorities at the start of the grant period, equating to 10% of the value of all grants (approximately 15 Local Authorities).

§  NDTi will be required to provide the information detailed below for selected Local Authorities by 31st December 2023 for audit in Year 1, and by 30 September in 2024 and 2025 (or dates as agreed separately).

§  The process commences after due diligence has been carried out, Local Authority action plans have been approved, and grant claims paid.


NDTi will submit the following documents as evidence for review of paid grants selected:


§  Proof of payment against agreed Local Authority funding allocation

§  Approved Local Authority action plan

§  Approved Local Authority claim form

§  Evidence that supports the amounts in the claims e.g., invoices, receipts

§  Any declared monitoring underspend


The Department for Education will of the documents supplied and notify NDTi of the outcome within two weeks of receipt of the sample data and supporting information. If issues are identified the Department for Education will raise this immediately with NDTi and a resolution plan will be agreed within five working days.

Annex Q (ii): Department for Education Grant Funding Agreement Terms & Conditions


NDTi is administering the Section 14 Grant on behalf of the Department for Education and therefore all Department for Education grant funding agreement terms and conditions apply.  By accepting the Grant Offer Letter, your authority accepts these Terms and Conditions in full.

Annex R (ii): Action Plan Template


User Note: Your action plan is intended to be a live document that will be used over the life of the programme. Support will be available from your NDTi lead and the plan should be developed and informed by work with your SEND employment forum. 


Local Authority Name


Name of Person Responsible for Action Plan


Email Address


Telephone Number






Year 1

Year 2

Year 3



Data is available re:

§  Young people following Supported Internships and outcomes from Supported Internships over the last five years

§  Average age of young people taking part in Supported Internships

§  Young people with EHCPs taking part in traineeships and apprenticeships

§  Young people moving into paid employment from other study programmes

§  Prediction of number of young people who could benefit from Supported Internships over the next four years






Partnership Readiness

§  There are strong working relationships between parents, young people, education, health and social care (children and adult) services, employment services, schools, colleges and training providers

§  All partners are engaged in the employment forum and are signed up to a shared vision of increasing the number of Supported Internships







§  The Local Offer website and printed materials explain:

  • What Supported Internships are
  • How young people access them
  • Where and how they are being offered
  • What support an internship offers
  • What the expected outcome of a Supported Internship is
  • Contact details

§  Young people receive high quality information, advice, and guidance about careers and employment pathways, in line with the Gatsby benchmarks

§  Events are held during the year which bring together local services, providers, employers, young people and families to raise aspirations for paid work for young people with SEND






Outcomes In EHC Plans

§  Professionals writing or contributing to EHCPs are confident in coproducing outcomes that are based on young people’s aspirations and the evidence of what works to achieve employment






Annual Reviews from Year 9

§  At the year 9 review, intentional planning for employment (and the other PfA outcomes) begins (vocational profiling, work experience etc.), in line with the Gatsby benchmarks

§  At the year 11 annual review, the EHCP is amended to reflect the study programme the young person will be following and the support that will be in place to support employment outcomes






Trained Job Coaches

§  There are enough trained job coaches in the local area to support all young people with EHCPs into employment

For example: Occupational Standards Training provided by BASE will be delivered in the local area





Vocational Profiling

§  Person-centred, comprehensive vocational profiling is carried out during key stage four







§  All post 16 providers in the local area are delivering high quality, work related, study programmes for all young people with EHCPs so that duplication is avoided, and progression embedded

§  These study programmes include Supported Internships, Traineeships, Supported Apprenticeships, and personalised study programmes leading to paid employment or self-employment






Employer Engagement

§  There is a local employer engagement strategy in place, and good relationships with local large employers as well as SMEs providing a wide range of opportunities for young people including work visits, tasters, placements, and paid work

§  The strategy links to other employer engagement strategies, for example, the LA recovery plan

For example: Training for the employment forum on employer engagement provided by DFN Project Search will be delivered in the local area





Work Experience

§  All young people with EHCPs have work experience in line with the Gatsby benchmarks






Supported Internships

§  The number of young people accessing Supported Internships increases year on year

§  Our target for 22/23 is xxx, 23/24 xxx and 24/25 xxx






Social Value

§  The Local Authority has a Supported Internship programme within the Council

§  The Local Authority’s recruitment processes are accessible for people with additional needs

§  The Local Authority is a disability confident employer and seeks support to continue to improve

§  There are several ways in which the Local Authority ensures that families understand the positive impact of work for young people with SEND and also how to navigate the benefit system, for example:

  • Co-production with the parent carer forum and other parent groups
  • The Local Offer
  • The SENDIAS service can provide families and young people with information about employment and benefits
  • SEND Case Officers and all professionals have training around
  • Employment pathways and the benefits system